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Version: v2.15.x LTS

Routing MultiTenancy Configuration

Routing MultiTenancy Configuration

Zowe supports management of multiple sysplexes whereby different sysplexes can serve different purposes or different customers. The use case for multi-sysplex support is when a service provider manages sysplexes for multiple customers. This configuration makes it possible to have a single access point for all customers, and properly route and authenticate across different sysplexes.

Component Layout example

In the multi-tenancy environment, certain Zowe components may be enabled, while others may be disabled. The multi-tenancy environment expects one central API ML that handles the discovery and registration as well as routing to the API ML installed in specific sysplexes. As such, different setups are required for the V2 version of the API ML on the central node and on the specific customer environments.

When using a multi-tenancy environment, ensure that the following Zowe components are either enabled or disabled:

  • Domain API ML

    • Gateway and Discovery Service: enabled
    • Cloud Gateway: disabled
  • Central API ML

    • Cloud Gateway and Discovery Service: enabled
    • Gateway: disabled

Onboarding Domain Gateways to the central Cloud Gateway

The Cloud Gateway must onboard all domain Gateways. This can be done dynamically or by the static definition. We strongly recommend using dynamic onboarding as this onboarding method adapts better to the potentially changing environments of the customer. Static onboarding does not provide the functionality to actively monitor the health of the specific services (e.g. domain gateways).

To dynamically onboard to the Discovery Service in the central cluster, set the following property for all domain Gateways:


Use the following example as a template for how to set the value for this property in zowe.yml.


# central API ML (in HA, for non-HA mode use only 1 hostname)
- discoveryServiceUrls:,
- gatewayUrl: /
serviceUrl: /

It is not necessary for the Gateway service to provide different routing patterns for the central discovery service. These metadata can be the same for every cluster.

Static Onboarding for domain Gateways (deprecated)

Alternatively, you can statically onboard all domain Gateways on the Central Discovery service. Note that dynamic onboarding is the prefered method.

For static onboarding, make sure that the following parameters are correctly specified in the static definition file:

  • services.serviceId
    Specify this parameter to GATEWAY
  • services.instanceBaseUrls
    Specifies the URL of the Domain Gateway
  • services.customMetadata.apiml.service.apimlId
    Specifies the id of the API ML environment

For static onboarding, be sure to use the Gateway static definition example presented at the end of this article.

Establishing a trust relationship between domain Gateways and the Cloud Gateway

The following keytool commands are examples of establishing a trust relationship between domain Gateways and the Cloud Gateway.

  • Import the public key certificate of all domain Gateways into the truststore of the Cloud Gateway.

    Use the following example of the keytool command when the domain Gateways running on CA11 and CA32 import the certificate into the Cloud Gateway running on CA31:

    keytool -import -file keystore/ca11/local_ca/local_ca.cer -alias gateway_ca11 -keystore keystore/ca31/localhost/localhost.truststore.p12

    keytool -import -file keystore/ca32/local_ca/local_ca.cer -alias gateway_ca32 -keystore keystore/ca31/localhost/localhost.truststore.p12

  • Import a public key certificate of the Cloud Gateway into the truststore of all domain Gateways.

    Use the following example of the keytool command when the certificate of the Cloud Gateway running on CA31 is imported into the truststore of the domain Gateways running on CA11 and CA32:

    keytool -import -file keystore/ca31/local_ca/local_ca.cer -alias gateway_ca31 -keystore keystore/ca11/localhost/localhost.truststore.p12

    keytool -import -file keystore/ca31/local_ca/local_ca.cer -alias gateway_ca31 -keystore keystore/ca32/localhost/localhost.truststore.p12

Using the /registry endpoint in Cloud Gateway

The /registry endpoint provides information about services onboarded to all domain Gateways and the Central Gateway. This section describes the configuration, authentication, authorization, example of requests, and responses when using the /registry endpoint.

Configuration for /registry

The /registry endpoint is disabled by default. Use the following environment variable to enable this feature:


Authentication for /registry

The /registry endpoint is authenticated by the client certificate. Cloud Gateway accepts certificates that are trusted. The user name is obtained from the common name of the client certificate.

Unsuccessful authentication returns a 401 error code.

Authorization with /registry

Only users configured by the following environment variable are allowed to use the /registry endpoint.


This parameter makes it possible to set multiple users as a comma-separated list.

Unsuccessful authorization returns a 403 error code.

Requests with /registry

There are two endpoints that provide information about services registered to the API ML. One endpoint is for all domains, and the other endpoint is for the specific domain. Choose from the following GET calls:

  • GET /cloud-gateway/api/v1/registry
    This request lists services in all domains.

  • GET /cloud-gateway/api/v1/registry/{apimlId}
    This request lists services in the apimlId domain.

Response with /registry


"apimlId": "apiml1",
"services": [
"status": "UP",
"customMetadata": {},
"apiId": [
"serviceId": "gateway"
"apimlId": "apiml2",
"services": [
"status": "UP",
"customMetadata": {},
"apiId": [
"serviceId": "gateway"

Validate successful configuration with /registry

Use the /registry endpoint to validate successful configuration. The response should contain all API ML domains represented by apimlId, and information about onboarded services.



Cannot receive information about services on API Gateway with apimlId 'Gateway-CA32' because: Received fatal alert: certificate_unknown; nested exception is Received fatal alert: certificate_unknown

The trust between the domain and the Cloud Gateway was not established.

Review your certificate configuration.

No debug messages similar to Gateway-CA32 completed with onComplete are produced

Domain Gateway is not correctly onboarded to Discovery Service in Central API ML.

Review Gateway static definition. Check the Central Discovery Service dashboard if the domain Gateway is displayed.

Onboarding a domain cloud-gateway service to central discovery service

The central Cloud Gateway can onboard Cloud Gateways of all domains. This service onboarding can be achieved similar to additional registrations of the Gateway. This section describes the dynamic configuration of the yaml file and environment variables, and how to validate successful configuration.

  • Dynamic configuration via zowe.yaml
  • Dynamic configuration via Environment variables

Dynamic Configurations to the central Discovery Service

Dynamic configuration: YML

Users must set the following property for the domain cloud-gateway to dynamically onboard to the central Discovery Service.

Use the following example as a template for how to set the value of this property in zowe.yml.

# central API ML (in HA, for non-HA mode use only 1 hostname)
- discoveryServiceUrls:,
- gatewayUrl: /
serviceUrl: /

Dynamic configuration: Environment variables

The list of additional registrations is extracted from environment variables. You can define a list of objects by following YML->Environment translation rules.

The previous example can be substituted with the following variables:


This Zowe configuration transforms the zowe.yaml configuration file into the environment variables that are shown above.

Validating successful configuration

The corresponding ‘Cloud-Gateway’ service should appear in the Eureka console of the central discovery service.

To see details of all instances of the ‘CLOUD-GATEWAY’ application, perform a GET call on the following endpoint of the central discovery service:


Gateway static definition example

This file should be stored together with other statically onboarded services. The default location is /zowe/runtime/instance/workspace/api-mediation/api-defs/. There is no naming restriction of the filename, but the file extension must be yml.


# Static definition of "discoverable-client" as "staticclient"
# This file provides static API service definition in YAML format.
# It is loaded by the Discovery Service during its startup.
- serviceId: GATEWAY # unique lowercase ID of the service
catalogUiTileId: static # ID of the API Catalog UI tile (visual grouping of the services)
title: Statically Defined API Service # Title of the service in the API catalog
description: Sample to demonstrate how to add an API service with Swagger to API Catalog using a static YAML definition # Description of the service in the API catalog
instanceBaseUrls: # list of base URLs for each instance
- # scheme://hostname:port/contextPath
homePageRelativeUrl: / # Normally used for informational purposes for other services to use it as a landing page
statusPageRelativeUrl: /application/info # Appended to the instanceBaseUrl
healthCheckRelativeUrl: /application/health # Appended to the instanceBaseUrl
- gatewayUrl: api/v1 # [api/ui/ws]/v{majorVersion}
serviceRelativeUrl: /api/v1 # relativePath that is added to baseUrl of an instance
- gatewayUrl: ui/v1
serviceRelativeUrl: /
- gatewayUrl: ws/v1
serviceRelativeUrl: /ws
# List of APIs provided by the service (currently only one is supported):
- apiId: zowe.apiml.gateway
gatewayUrl: api/v1
swaggerUrl: https://localhost:10012/discoverableclient/v2/api-docs
service.apimlId: Gateway-CA32
okToRetryOnAllOperations: true

- serviceId: GATEWAY # unique lowercase ID of the service
catalogUiTileId: static # ID of the API Catalog UI tile (visual grouping of the services)
title: Statically Defined API Service # Title of the service in the API catalog
description: Sample to demonstrate how to add an API service with Swagger to API Catalog using a static YAML definition # Description of the service in the API catalog
instanceBaseUrls: # list of base URLs for each instance
- # scheme://hostname:port/contextPath
homePageRelativeUrl: / # Normally used for informational purposes for other services to use it as a landing page
statusPageRelativeUrl: /application/info # Appended to the instanceBaseUrl
healthCheckRelativeUrl: /application/health # Appended to the instanceBaseUrl
- gatewayUrl: api/v1 # [api/ui/ws]/v{majorVersion}
serviceRelativeUrl: /api/v1 # relativePath that is added to baseUrl of an instance
- gatewayUrl: ui/v1
serviceRelativeUrl: /
- gatewayUrl: ws/v1
serviceRelativeUrl: /ws
# List of APIs provided by the service (currently only one is supported):
- apiId: zowe.apiml.gateway
gatewayUrl: api/v1
swaggerUrl: https://localhost:10012/discoverableclient/v2/api-docs
service.apimlId: Gateway-CA11
okToRetryOnAllOperations: true

# List of tiles that can be used by services defined in the YAML file:
title: Static API Services
description: Services which demonstrate how to make an API service discoverable in the APIML ecosystem using YAML definitions

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